It seems tedious but once you do it once, it's really super quick and easy.
First, it's using the original volume levels to adaptively remove the noise, THEN we're key framing the volume at the beginning to get rid of any leftover ambient noise at the start. This works because we're changing the order of effects. Then move back a few frames and drop the Volume down as low as it goes (like -287db or something). Drop a keyframe a few frames before you actually want to here the audio (probably where your original in point was if you lengthened the clip). Lastly, keyframe the volume using this second Volume effect. Add a Volume effect to the clip AFTER the Adaptive Noise Reduction effect (yes, it will look like you have TWO Volume effects on the clip, the original fixed one plus this second one we just added).ģ. Don't worry, we'll fix this in a second)Ģ. Add the Adaptive Noise Reduction effect to the clip but make sure the clip has about 1-1.5 seconds of audio BEFORE you actually want to hear any of the audio (you might need to make it a J-cut or extend the clip longer from the beginning). Ha, I LITERALLY just made a video on this for my next course at PluralSight (but it's not up for another week or so!).